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Integration that drives productivity gains

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Advisor360° President Darren Tedesco discusses our approach to system integration, exploring how our common UX design and data layer drive wealth management, insurance, and banking productivity for advisors, agents, and home office employees.

Video transcript

Darren Tedesco: Today, Advisor360° probably spends, I don't have an exact number but let's use a ballpark number, 50% of our total spend is on integrating. We do that because integration is the holy grail. Integration and having all of these systems tightly coupled, speaking together, common UX layer, common data layer: that drives productivity.

So you can spend more money to have a compounded productivity gain. So we saw that benefit at my prior firm, our existing clients are seeing the benefit of the productivity driven. You can go back and look at historical growth rates in that compound effect. It really adds up so you can save cost, you can have advisors become more productive as well as home office employees be more productive.

And ultimately that equates to advisors spending more time with clients, driving assets under management, driving insurance sales or revenue, banking sales and revenue, and that just benefits everyone in the entire value chain, including their clients.