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Understanding the role of insurance in longevity planning

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CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Patrick Noonan shares the tech essentials that help your insurance agents develop successful retirement and legacy plans.

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Hi, I'm Patrick Noonan from Advisor360°. For over 10 years as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, I had the opportunity to work with insurance advisors and their clients. I see the urgency around financial planning and healthcare planning. With one in 10 Americans caring for an aging parent, it's clear that longevity is a major concern for our clients. I also see advisors actively helping their clients manage healthcare costs pre-retirement, looking at high-deductible health plans and HSAs, and helping them navigate the Medicare landscape as they start to retire and then dealing with longevity, looking at long-term care and annuities. Clients will use many of these strategies over their lifetime, and the hard part is putting this all together. Here at Advisor360°, we’re helping advisors take the lead in this conversation by creating a consolidated platform that shows insurance, investments, and annuities with financial planning. We are positioning our advisors to help their clients make the best decisions. Come see how we at Advisor360° create this holistic view for our clients, putting them in a position to make the best decisions and plan for the most successful retirement.